The SASSCAL family is growing: The SASSCAL Regional Secretariat is pleased to welcome three new colleagues to our office in Windhoek. We hope you will soon feel at home in our team.

Welcome to SASSCAL (left to right): Johanna Mumangeni, Greater Mukumbira, Chenai Marangwanda
Johanna Mumangeni was appointed by SASSCAL as an Administrative Secretary. Johanna will provide secretarial support to the SASSCAL Governing Board. She was an Executive Assistant for Air Navigation Services, employed by the International Civil Aviation Authority to support the functional separated Air Navigation Services Department within the Namibia Civil Aviation Authority in terms of general services. Within her professional ranks, she was also employed by Omusati Regional Council as a Control Administration Officer, to provide overall leadership to Tsandi Settlement Office. Among others, Johanna also worked as a Co-operative Business Analyst for the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry and has a combined 13 years of working experience, both in Governmental and international Organizations. She has experience in managing meetings, projects, human resources, procurement, finances and fleet, as well as experience in coordinating and conducting workshops in strategic and business planning, coordinating and managing training plans, managing records as well as developing various administrative policies. Johanna holds a Honours Degree of Administration in Business Management from the University of South Africa (UNISA), Bachelor of Business Administration from the Management College of Southern Africa (MANCOSA) and Diploma in Business Information Systems from the International University of Management (IUM). She has also recently submitted her thesis for a Master Degree of Commerce, specializing in Management (MCOM-Management) with the University of Kwazulu-Natal. She is also working toward her completion of the Master of Business Administration specializing in International Business (MBA-IB) with Amity University which is at the final stage.
Greater Mukumbira has been appointed as the Communications and Marketing Officer. Prior to joining SASSCAL, Greater was with the Sustainable Management of Namibia’s Forested Lands (NAFOLA project, a UNDP supported GEF funded project implemented by the Directorate of Forestry in the Ministry of Agriculture Water and Forestry) and the Desert Research Foundation of Namibia (DRFN). She has more than eight years of marketing and communication experience in the environmental and financial services sector. She brings to SASSCAL a combination of environmental management and Marketing and Communication expertise. Greater holds an MSc in Environmental and Water Science from the University of the Western Cape (UWC), Post Graduate Diploma (Cum Laude) in Integrated Water Resources Management (UWC) and a Bachelor of Technology in Marketing from the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST).
Chenai Marangwanda joins SASSCAL as the Fundraising and Contracts Officer. Chenai will be responsible for the design and implementation of SASSCAL’s fundraising and contracts management portfolio. A community development practitioner by heart, Chenai has served in the NGO sector, and in the Advertising and Media industry. She has experience in resource mobilization, formulating fundraising strategies and developing concepts notes for grants. Chenai is member of the International Association of Community Development and studied Community Development at the University of South Africa. She also has an academic background in Business Management with a major in Marketing. She is currently studying towards a Postgraduate in Public Health with the James Lindt Institute.