In News

SASSCAL participated in the 91st Zambia Agricultural and Commercial Show during the period of 2 to the 7th of August 2017. This year’s Show was themed “Promoting a green economy” which is in line with the objectives of SASSCAL. Each year, the Agricultural and Commercial Show attracts an impressive number of organizations from all sectors in Zambia, Southern Africa and the rest of the world. This year, SASSCAL demonstrated how the Centre is contributing to a green economy by exhibiting some of the outputs from the ongoing research in Zambia and the products and services that are being delivered through the Open Access Data Centre (OADC). The event provided an opportunity for SASSCAL to reach out to many members of the public. Several members of the public expressed interest in receiving specific additional information (Picture shows Mutukwa Musole, from the Zambia National Node, engaging with the public).


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