In the wake of the current and future projected climate and socio-economic changes and associated challenges, SASSCAL aims to support climate change adaptation by freely and openly making available data, information and knowledge. This process is facilitated through SASSCAL’s products and services.
SASSCAL creates its products and services in close collaboration with its stakeholders, from across its five countries, Angola, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zambia. SASSCAL also includes Zimbabwe into its data products to cater for its GMES and Africa partners. To this end, the invaluable feedback received from our stakeholders is carefully calibrated into the future development of all products and services.
If you want to contribute to this feedback, please support us with your time and valuable insight and let us know how we can improve our products and services. We welcome all ideas on improving our existing product portfolio, but we would also like to hear from you whether there are needs that we are currently not meeting:
Please explore our SASSCAL products and services:
The SASSCAL WeatherNet provides easy and open access to climate information for over 150 Automatic Weather Stations for southern Africa, about rainfall, air, soil temperature, humidity, wind speed other sensor data.
The SASSCAL Data and Information Portal is an open online data and information portal that can be accessed freely using any web browser to access data on climate and natural resources.
The Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Service for Transboundary Basins (WeMAST) Dashboard supports Sustainable Wetland Assessment and Monitoring Services with satellite-based data products.