The Climate Service Centre Germany (GERICS), in cooperation with the SASSCAL OADC (Open Access Data Centre), hosted a training course from 24 to 27 October 2017 on “Using the easy-to-use regional climate model EasyREMO in combination with an introduction to climate model data analyses and regional climate change assessment” in Windhoek, Namibia.
The easy-to-use regional climate model EasyREMO was developed in the context of SASSCAL’s Research Portfolio and Tasks 004 and 006 by GERICS.
EasyREMO has a graphical user interface and runs on standard PCs and laptops. With EasyREMO, climate change simulations can be conducted without in-depth programming knowledge and without access to high performance computing systems. It further provides the user with a smart solution to define the region to which the model is to apply its computations. The resolution of the model grid is 0.44 or 0.22 degrees. EasyREMO comes with three different forcing datasets covering the historical time period 1971 to 2000 as well as a low and a high emission scenario for the time period 2071 to 2100. Therefore, the user can produce own climate change projections for the region of interest. It also allows the user to define which variables will be kept during the simulation for later analysis. EasyREMO also includes an easy-to-use tool to visualize the output data and to create first plots.
The training was offered by Dr Arne Kriegsmann and Torsten Weber from GERICS and was attended by OADC colleagues from Angola, Botswana, Namibia and Zambia, as well a representative from the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry of Namibia and a representative from the Desert Research Foundation of Namibia.

The EasyRemo interface