The SASSCAL Ministerial Council held its first Meeting on 26 September 2019. The meeting was held after the signing ceremony of the SASSCAL Treaty and Joint Declaration. The meeting was attended by the host Minister and elected Chair of the Ministerial Council, Honourable Alpheus !Naruseb (Namibia); Honourable Minister; Maria do Rosario Bragança Sambo (Angola); Her Excellency Tshenolo Modise (representing Honourable Minister Mokaila, Botswana); Her Excellency Stella Libongani (representing Hon. Minister Brian Mushimba, Zambia); Prof. Rene Haak (representing Honourable Minister Anja Karliczek, Germany). SASSCAL Governing Board representatives; Mrs. Jane Chinkusu- Board Chair, Hon. Anna Shiweda – Vice Chair, Prof Gabriel Miguel -Board member (Angola) and Mr Balisi Gopolang – alternate Board member (Botswana) were also in attendance and Dr Jane M Olwoch, SASSCAL Executive Director.
One of the important agenda items was the election of the Chairperson to the Council of Ministers. Namibia by virtue of hosting the Regional Office, had been acting Chair. The Council of ministers elected Hon Alpheus !Naruseb, the host Minister as Chairperson for the Council. The Chair will serve a term that shall run for a period of 2 years.
During the meeting, Ministers and Minister representatives reviewed important steps in the implementation of the SASSCAL Treaty with the transformation of SASSCAL into an international organisation as its main outcome. It was agreed that the signed SASSCAL Treaty will be followed by ratification. All protocols relating to the ratification process are thus envisaged to be completed before the end of the year 2019. Ministers are optimistic that this transition will move SASSCAL to greater heights. As SASSCAL is being transformed into International organisation, it’s visibility will play an important role in the region.